What and How To Do After Downloading The Code

Step 1: Unzip the Downloaded File
First, unzip the file you downloaded from the Flutter Canvas Builder. This will give you the necessary project files.

Step 2: Create a Flutter Project
A. Open your terminal or command prompt.
B. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the location where you want to create your Flutter project. C. Then, use the following command, replacing <project name> with your desired project name:

flutter create {project name}
Note: Ensure that the project name matches the one used when creating the app on the Flutter Canvas workspace.

Step 3: Organize Your Project Files
Navigate to the project directory that was created in the previous step.
B. Inside the project's 'lib' folder, create a 'screen' folder.
C. Copy all the files from the 'screen' folder of the extracted files into the 'screen' folder you just created in your project directory.

Step 4: Open Your IDE
Open your project directory in your preferred integrated development environment (IDE), such as Visual Studio Code.

Step 5: Update main.dart
Open the main.dart file in your IDE.
B. Replace the code in main.dart with the following code, adjusting it as needed:
Dart Code

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'screens/YourInitialPage.dart'; // Import your initial page class
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      title: 'Your App Title',
      home: YourInitialPage(), // Replace with your initial page class
Replace 'screens/Home.dart' and Home() with the appropriate import and class name for your initial page.

Step 6: Add Fonts and Assets
Create an 'assets' folder in your project directory if it doesn't exist.
B. Inside the 'assets' folder, create a 'fonts' folder.
C. Place all the font files you obtained from the downloaded zip into the 'fonts' folder.

Step 7: Update pubspec.yaml
Replace the pubspec.yaml file in your project directory with the one from the extracted folder. This file contains the necessary configuration for your assets and fonts.

Step 8: Run Your App
Connect your real device to your computer or run an emulator.
B. Open the terminal in your project folder.
C. Run the following command:

flutter run
This command will launch your application on the connected device or emulator.
Step 1: Prepare Your Existing Project:
Ensure you have your existing Flutter project ready.

Step 2: Extract the Downloaded Code:
Unzip the downloaded folder to the location of your choice.

Step 3: Organize Your Files:
Inside your existing project directory, make sure you have a "lib" directory.
Create a "screen" folder inside the "lib" directory (if it doesn't already exist).
Copy all the files from the "screen" folder within the extracted folder and paste them into your existing project's "screen" folder.

Step 4: Configure Your Initial Screen:
If you want to set one of the screens you created on Flutter Canvas Builder as the initial screen of your application:
Open your project's main.dart file.
Replace the home attribute with the class name of the screen you want to run first.
Add the appropriate import statement for that file.

Step 5: Manage Fonts:
Inside your existing project directory, create an "assets" folder if it doesn't already exist.
Inside the "assets" folder, create a "fonts" folder.
Copy all the font files from the extracted folder into your project's "fonts" folder.

Step 6: Update pubspec.yaml:
Open your project's pubspec.yaml file.
Update the package/plugin list in your existing pubspec.yaml with the list from the pubspec.yaml file you obtained from the extracted folder.
Add all asset declarations from the downloaded pubspec.yaml to your existing project's pubspec.yaml.

Step 7: Connect Your Device:
Ensure your physical device is connected to your computer or start an emulator.

Step 8: Run Your Application:
Open a terminal in your project directory.
Run the following command to launch your application:

flutter run
This command will run the downloaded code with your existing project, allowing you to integrate the new features seamlessly.
Code Copied